Sunday, 19 May 2013

Dear Passenger,

Bagi yang lagi binggung memilih Product Mobil yang bagus untuk bahan Vinyl artikel ini bisa menjadi referensi kalian.
Pada kesempatan ini produk yang akan di uji coba adalah : Meguiars Ultimate Protectant, Aerospace 303 Protectant dan Meguiars M40

*From left to right UP, 303 & M40

*After buffing 303 & M40. The UP was dry to the touch and did not require any buffing
*Final Product - one can see that the 303 and M40 have a lower viscosity by the seepage under the tape

*These are photos taken on Thursday evening in similar lighting conditions to the initial photos (reminder from left to right Meguiars Ultimate Protectant, Aerospace 303 Protectant, Meguiars M40) . This is approximately 24 hours after first being applied. One mitigating factor is that Thursday saw a huge thunderstorm in the area with torrential rain, however I would still expect the products to have held up better.
*I took some quick photos a litter earlier today in natural light. This is therefore after approximately 4 days exposure to normal driving conditions


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